1.) Stay Fit
I PERSONALLY have struggled with staying fit. I think I personally am not getting a good amount of exercise and this is something I want to change within 2016. By this I would like to join some sort of sport SOON, and control the portions of food I eat.
2.) Be Nicer- Daily!
This is something I would really like to be better at. My friends say I'm nice but, sometimes I let this happy feeling slip away. I would like be kinder to everyone I encounter instead of being slightly sarcastic and appearing unhappy.
FUN FACT: I used to be called "Ice Princess" on SMS back in 2012 cuz I almost never smiled in pictures.
3.) Smiling More!
Gosh, I always say a smile is your best accessory but, I don't even take own advice. This past year was tough, and I'm sure 2016 is gonna be a bumpy road too. I always can't hide my emotions from my facial expressions, so I'd like to smile more. More than 50% of the time in real life I can be seen with a hard expression. (^^ Ice Princess remember?) And I'd like to let go of some of these negative vibes I get for no reason, and fill myself with positivity. Which, is gonna be really hard. But, the least I can do is smile.
4.) Become more Confident
Confidence is a huge struggle for me. But, I wanna socialize more this year and meet new people. Maybe, I'll join a club at school. Or do some sort of other activity in my community that can expose me to new people. I just want to do a better job at socializing instead of watching Korean variety shows every night shoving my face with ice cream.
5.) Learn a New Language, or Two...
I don't know about you guys, but I'm exposed to A LOT of different cultures just within my own household. And I'd like to learn Malay this year. Some of y'all may know but my mom is from Malaysia and I'd love to finally sit down and get better at Malay! I love Malay television surprisingly and I loveeee the food, so why not? And I think it's just about time I learn more about my culture. I'd also like to brush up on my Mandarin, cuz I kinda dropped outta Chinese school- so definitely need to find some sort of free outlet to that problem.
6.) Reach out to the Asian/Malaysian Fashion World
I have no idea how I'm even gonna start this but, I'd like to work with some Asian clothing/beauty websites and especially Malaysian companies to get my name out there. Or even some sort of Malaysian brand idk, I'd just like to finally get my name out there as a mixed Malaysian-American cause, there isn't a whole lot of attention on Malaysian-Americans and I hope I can take part in spreading awareness of Malaysian culture to other people.
7.) Become a Better Christian
I admit, I'm not as connected to God as I'd like to be. But, I want to change. I want to grow into being a better follower. I know I can start by paying more attention in church ( I rlly struggle with this >.<) and maybe start being more involved in my local church.
8.) Being a Better Big Sister
I've been quite a bitchy sister to my little brother. Most of the time, I can't even understand him cuz we have such different emotional values. But, things don't seem to be getting a lot better in my family, and I want to be a better sister to dongsaeng in any way I can.
9.) Be a better leader
At Chinese dance class, I'm the second oldest. But honestly, I act like I'm one of the youngest. I'm unofficially the co-captain and I suck at my job. I want to improve as a dancer to help out my juniors more cuz, some of the younger kids come to me for advice and I have no idea what to tell them. So, I want to improve more on my dance technique to help out the juniors with their technique.
10.) Give Back
I've had opportunities to volunteer, but I never take them up for some reason. I want to finally give back to my community this year in some way, shape, or form.
So yeah, these were my New Year Goals for 2016. What are yours?