Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Video! + Malaysian Tag Questions

Hey guys!

I've been a little bit busy the past few days but, I FINALLY managed to do the Malaysian Tag video!
It was quite requested so you can watch here.

I tweaked the original "Malaysian Tag" cuz it was just questions about Malaysian history and stuff and I don't really know much about Malaysian history. o_o So, I just made a new and improved version! :P  Most of the questions are based off of the Filipino tag I just adjusted it to be more for Malaysians.

So, if you want to do the tag you can just say I tagged you. :)

Here are the Questions:

1.) Are you full Malaysian? If not, state other ethnicities.
2.) Are you a rojak?
3.) When was the last time you went to Malaysia?
4.) Can you speak Bahasa Melayu? *forgot to mention any other languages
So umm... 4.5) Can you speak a language many Malaysians will understand?
5.) What is ur fav Malaysian food?
6.) Fav Malaysian song?
7.) Fav Malaysian TV show?
8.) What are some Malaysian stereotypes?
9.) What do you dislike about being Malaysian?
10.) What do you like about being Malaysian?

*feel free to add on questions or adjust to your liking :)

So, those were the questions! I hope you can check out my video + Like & Subscribe. And I should be back to regular blogposts SOON!

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